Nosewings and its related entities (we, us, or our) understand and share your concerns about how personal information is collected, disclosed, used, and stored.
This privacy policy is designed to ensure that you are generally aware of how we handle your personal information.
We are committed to safeguarding your information. This means that, among other things, we will comply with the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 and other applicable Australian privacy laws.
This Privacy Policy does not apply to personal information in the context of employment – staff and other relevant individuals can contact our human resources team for more information about their privacy.

Why we collect personal information

We mainly collect personal information to enable us to provide services or deliver products to you, to complete transactions with you or on your behalf and/or to better understand your requirements and preferences.
If you choose not to provide personal information, we may not be able to provide you with the assistance you require.

The type of personal information we collect

We collect information at various times during our relationship with you. The nature of the personal information collected by us may include your name, phone number, mobile number, facsimile number, delivery address, residential address, email address, date of birth, credit card/payment details, personal information in surveys, testimonials, complaints, and other associated personal information.

We may also collect sensitive information from you during our relationship with you including your medical history, history of therapeutic goods use, details of your health, ailments and afflictions, and other associated sensitive information.

How we collect personal information

We may collect your personal information if you:
● Register as a visitor on the Nosewings at (website)
● Register to receive our catalogue (catalogue)
● Make a product or service enquiry
● Have contact with our customer service team
● Visit our on-site retail store
● Place an order with us
● Purchase a product or service from us
● Lodge a complaint with us
● Provide feedback to us


We may collect sensitive information where you have consented to the collection of such information or where the collection is authorised by law.

We may use your personal information to:

● Facilitate orders of our products and services
● Process purchases of our products and services
● Deliver your purchased products to you
● Process payment of purchases
● Verify credit card payment details
● Send you invoices and other associated documentation
● Verify your identity
● Charge, bill and collect debts
● Monitor calls to monitor staff performance and ensure quality service
● Provide naturopathic advice
● Make suggestions as to products that may assist you
● Maintain and develop our business systems
● Send our catalogues and brochures to you if you have registered to receive them
● Conduct direct marketing
● Sell, market, and promote our products, services, and business
● Send an email to a friend you have referred
● Promote and market other services which we consider may be of interest to you
● Conduct market research
● Research and enhance our products and services
● Address your feedback
● Address your complaints
● Assess, monitor, and react to any emerging potential legal liabilities
● Monitor staff performance


We may use your personal information for any other purpose related to the above if the related purpose would be within your reasonable expectations or for any other purpose to which you give your express or implied consent and as otherwise provided in the Privacy laws.

To fulfil the purposes, set out above, we may disclose your personal information to:

● A friend you have referred to us
● Advertising agencies
● Marketing agencies
● Market research companies
● Mailing houses
● Transport/delivery companies including Australia Post and third-party fulfilment contractors
● Our professional advisors, including lawyers, technical experts, and medical experts
● The Therapeutic Goods Administration
● Government and regulatory authorities and other organisations required by law
● Organisations involved in the transfer or sale of all or part of our assets or business
● Outsourced service providers who manage the products and services we provide to you including billing and debt recovery functions and information technology services
● Our related entities

We will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information when it is no longer necessary to be retained for any lawful purpose.


We will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that all personal information we collect, use and/or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date, whether stored electronically or physically.

To assist us in achieving our data quality objective, please contact us at the address below if you believe that your details are not accurate, up to date and complete.

Data Security

We take reasonable steps to protect the security and privacy of your personal information and to prevent misuse, loss, or unauthorised modification, disclosure, and access. On occasions, you may provide personal information to us over the Internet (including by email). Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as secure. Whilst we strive to protect such information, we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk. Nevertheless, once we receive your transmission, we will take reasonable steps to preserve the security of such information.

From time to time, we may restrict access to certain sections of the website to registered users with passwords. For your own protection, we require you to keep any such passwords confidential and to change them regularly.


At any time you wish to stop receiving correspondence from Nosewings or wish to have any of your collected information deleted or handed over, please contact [email protected].